Monday, June 20, 2016

Thursday:Wandertag cont...

Elyssa: another day of school. Many of the Germans didn't have school today and those who didn't went to Saarbrücken, the capital city, for shopping. But for the rest of us, we went to school while our partners took a French test. After French class my partner and I had one more class where we had a breakfast party. Everyone in the class brought something to share and I talked to the teacher for a while about his son who lives in America. It was interesting to hear. The Americans who didn't go to school were able to sleep while we were at school and then went to Saarbrücken. When my partner and I got home we ate lunch. We had a little free time so I took a nap because the rainy weather is making all of us Americans tired. I woke up and my partner and I headed to a town called St. Ingbert not far outside of Blieskastel. The center of the city is a somewhat small town with walking streets and shops such as H&M, DM, and tea shops. We did a little shopping while it rained on and off. After that we went back home, ate, and got ready for the public viewing of fußball. The game was between Deutschland and Poland. All of the Americans and Germans met up at the fire station like we had at the last public viewing and took pictures and talked before we went and sat down. Even though we haven't known each other for long the whole GAPP group is pretty close. There were many other people from the public watching the game. All of the Germans and Americans were dressed up in their gear and had the German flag on their faces. Germany and Poland tied 0-0 so nobody won. It was late when the game ended so we all went home to go to sleep before school on Friday. 

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