Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Saturday, June 11 Welcome Picnic// Bridget

Bridget:For the first full day with the host family, we slept in until ten and had a large breakfast with bread, meat, and cheese. Most of the foods I didn't know were easy to figure out, but we struggled with 'johannisbeere', which turned out to be currant. After breakfast, we visited the local store and bought ingredients for American biscuits that we had hoped to bake for the GAPP picnic, although we ended up running out of time. We also got mini pizza baguettes for lunch, which we ate after a short break to study, read, or write. When lunch was over and we realized there wasn't much time until the picnic, we decided to play a game of Yahtzee, or 'Kniffel' in Germany.

The GAPP picnic was located at a picturesque location, high on a hill or mountain with a good view of the surrounding area. The food was delicious and there was quite a variety to choose from. Eventually it began to rain, so everyone moved inside. All the students were packed into one room, around two tables, so while everyone enjoyed themselves, it was rather loud. As night drew close, we all began to leave, passing a field filled with sheep on the way out. We stayed up to talk for a bit, about politics and differences in culture, before we all retired for the night. 

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