Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sunday, June 12 Elyssa & Connor

 Elyssa: today my family let me sleep in which was amazing. Sundays are usually my sleeping days. I woke up and got ready and then it was party time. It was my host father's 50th birthday last Thursday and today was time to celebrate with family. We went to a well known restaurant and hotel in Blieskastel. I met a couple people from my host family's family. We didn't eat anything before because we knew we would have lots to eat at the party. It began at 11:00 and we started out with cold food to eat. I had chicken, grapes, a roll, cantaloupe, shrimp, and pasta. After we ate our cold food we then had a serving of warm food. I ate more pasta, rice, and potatoes. Finally it was time for dessert. I had chocolate pudding, cake, more fruit, and vanilla pudding with cinnamon. We were there for a total of 4 hours and talked in between our meals. We left the restaurant and my partner's good friend came over. We played some cards and some other games that us Americans have been playing throughout the trip. I was exhausted and decided to take a nap. After I woke up it was time to get ready for the "public viewing" of soccer. Soccer is a big deal in Germany and today Germany played against Ukraine. All of the Germans and Americans met at the fire station for the public viewing and we watched the game together. Everyone had the German flag painted on their cheeks and was wearing black, red, and yellow. It was so much fun and Germany had won 2-0!! After the game everyone went home and it was time for bed.

Connor: Hello, I am Connor and this is what happened today in my trip to Germany. Today, June 12th was a good day. Today we went to Bitche, France. We visited a citadel. It was used during a war for the French. It was turned into a museum. The German family I am staying with was nice enough to get me a headset with an English speaker. If I got one with German, I would have understood little and not have been such a good experience. But as we walked through the museum, the headset told me about different parts of the place. As we walked into one room, there were comfy chairs and a screen. They made a movie for the museum. The first room was only part of it. As you walked through the slaughter room, bakery, and etc, different parts of the movie would play. The movie was enertaining, but also filled with information. After the movie we entered the top of the citadel. You could look over the whole town and see the woods go for miles. There were a lot of good places to take pictures. After that we headed back towards Kirkel, my homestays town. But on the way there we went on to the autobahn. Daniel's dad has a BMW and he went up to 220 km/h(which is about 137 mph). That was very fun considering we cannot go that fast, legally, in the United States. Then we stopped off and grabbed a bite to eat. The restaurant was an old monastery and I ended up ordering something that I didn't know because I've been trying a bunch of different food. It ended up being a salad with a bowl full of sausage and about three pieces of tiny lettuce. There was some sauce on it and I had a cola to drink. But overall, I would give a 6/10. Then I was offered pie, so I got apple pie. I was curious how different it would taste, and I will say that I was impressed. This apple pie tasted so good, but nothing tastes like good old fashioned USA American pie. I would still give an 8/10 for that. After that we ended up making it back to Kirkel, when we entered the house. Daniel and I turned on music and relaxed until the soccer game, where a bunch of the GAPP members went to. But Daniel's mother made a suprise 2nd dinner. It was a huge pizza. One for me and one for Daniel. After we finished eating, we went to the public viewing. They had a projector and was playing the soccer game. It was free, but you just had to buy your own drinks. Pretty much everyone from GAPP was there and we all sat together and watched the game. Germany won against Ukraine,  2-0. Everyone was so happy that Germany won. It was an intense game. That's

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